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Romanian Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis
Romanian Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Hypnosis (online)
ISSN: 2360-3429
ISSN–L: 2360-3429
The Romanian Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy & Hypnosis has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Information Services, the world's most prolific aggregator of full text journals, magazines and other sources.
Hypnosis can be described as representing a state of modified consciousness, produced by repeated stimuli. Most of the specialists define hypnosis as an induced state, usually in an artificial way, similar to sleep – but at the same time different from a physiologic point of view; this is about a state characterized by increased suggestibility, which is responsible for inducing to the subject, more easily than in a normal state, a series of sensorial, perceptive, motor and memory changes. Hypnosis, from the point of view of Ericksonian therapists represents a process of communication between the two people involved. This process involves utilizing latent psychological availability. Latent availability of a person (or resources) consist mostly of past experiences, emotional states or forgiven ability, which once they are actualized, they may generate modifications at the level of memory, perception, sensations, affective states, so that the subject will be able to put to action new behavioral models (Zeig, & Gilligan, 2013).