Menopausal transition: between physiology and psychology
Private Practice, Clinical Psychology, Bucharest, Romania
Menopause represents one of the physiological periods in a woman’s life, defined by a series of involutive processes (the cessation of reproductive and menstrual functions) and the transition from the reproductive phase to the non-reproductive phase (Contreras, & Parra, 2000). Natural menopause is confirmed after more than 12 months of amenorrhea, only in the absence of any other notable biological or physiological causes. In some specific conditions or under the action of unfavorable factors, menopause can become pathological and clinically manifested by the climacteric syndrome. Menopause is the spontaneous, complete and physiological stop of the menstrual cycle (Germaine, & Freedman, 1984). Sometimes, this complete stop is preceded by cycle disorders accompanied by physiological and psychological disorders, which represent manifestations of an inadequate secretion of estrogenic hormones.