Considerations Regarding Psychological Testing

Author: Mihaela Chraif, PhD
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Psychology, Bucharest, Romania

Psychological testing, even if it represents one of the most commonly known activities of Psychology, is facing a turning point in our times. More precisely, we observe that psychological testing has come to a phase in which it has to prove that it’s a trustworthy instrument of knowledge and understanding of the human being.

There are even practitioners divided into two main camps: one which bases it’s rationing on including psychological testing results and continuously works on improving this method’s reliability and one which includes specialists whose practical experience has lead them to consider that there is no test capable of correctly predicting human behavior, whether we speak of clinical or vocational matters, for instance.

We start our argument by taking both sides into consideration but without generalizing any of them; in other words, we consider that in order to obtain performance in our endeavors, both scientifically and practically, we need to find a balance between highly standardized data and qualitative information extracted from each person we interact with.

Keywords: psychological testing