Theoretical Paper

Bulimia Nervosa: A Short Theoretical Review of the Cognitive-behavioral Conceptualization and Approach

Author: Silvia Ristea, Alexandra Ioana Drǎgoi
Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania

The present article approaches within a well-defined sequencing the issue of bulimia nervosa diagnosis, emphasizing the theoretical and empirical cognitive – behavioral frame. Starting by defining and developing the content of problematic met in bulimia nervosa, continuing by explaining the DSM – IV – TR and DSM 5 criteria, the theoretical endeavor is pointed towards a few essential aspects of understanding this psychopathological diagnosis. Thus, the paper firmly points out the organic reactions along with the medical complications which might interfere once bulimia nervosa emerges. Further, we mention part of the cognitive – behavioral models along with the empirical studies which address the same approach with proven efficiency in diminishing the dysfunctional behavior specific to the discussed pathology.

Keywords: bulimia nervosa, diagnosis criteria, binge eating episodes, the cognitive-behavioral approach